CalendarStars 2016 is ready!
The brand new TNG calendar for year 2016 is ready.
Astronomy has always tried to look farther and beyond. Our telescope and instrumentations are designed to look into light and extract what it not at sight.
What is essential may be invisible to the eye.
This year we try to convey some more content, using a little of augmented reality. You will have all the graphic content at hand and if you have a smartphone with a camera, just point it to the paper calendar to see beyond. An home coded app for you to enjoy, looking through the 12 static pictures of this new CalendarStar.
TNG staff wishes you all an augmented 2016
Emilio Molinari, Director
CalendarstAR 2016 by TNG-FGG staff.
Other credits: V.Guido, A.Santerme/CAUP, S.Cristoforetti/ESA/ASI/NASA
AR Logo by Total Immersion