Fundación Galileo Galilei - INAF Telescopio Nazionale Galileo 28°45'14.4N 17°53'20.6W 2387.2m A.S.L.

TNG - CCD's Readout Time Calculator

Please insert your input in the bold part of the form; the results will be showed in the italic part of the form. For the read-out time of the NICS detector please refer to the NICS web page

CCD Binning

Box X dim
Box Y dim

Read-out time (entire image)   Seconds
Read-out time   Seconds
X size
Y size

In the 2-Out read-out mode, available only without box, the time must be divided by two.

The above numbers are the times necessary for the electronics to read the CCD. The total time to have the image transferred and archived (i.e. the time between two acquisitions in a series of images with the same instrumental setup) includes another delay of at least 6 seconds.

For any comments please contact Rosario Cosentino.