AOT18/08B Schedule
Listed below are the TNG nights scheduled for the AOT18/08B period. The dates refer to the beginning of the nights, e.g. an observer scheduled for Oct 29-30 will start on the evening of Oct 29 and end his/her run on the morning of Oct 31.
Visiting observers are kindly invited to read the instructions given here. In case of doubts, they may get in touch with the contact astronomer mentioned in the schedule. Please note that the contact astronomer is not necessarily the same person who will be present at the telescope during the scheduled night(s).
The class associated to the programs in service indicates the queuing priority (A=higher, C=lower) based on the scientific merit defined by the TNG time allocation committee. Astronomers with allocated queuing time must submit their observing blocks before 16:00UT of Jul 21, 2008. Please note that late submissions may result in downgrading of the observing blocks.
Other information, hints and warnings useful to prepare the observing run can be found here. Please note that special instructions and time constraints apply to programs requiring multi object spectroscopy (DOL-MOS), see the dedicated web page.
Program_code P.I. Title |
Instrument(s) Allocated nights |
Contact Astronomer |
ITP_4 Lopez The origin and evolution of fossil galaxy groups |
DOLORES-MOS Dec 22-26 |
Boschin |
CAT_15 Lodieu Brown dwarfs, ultracool subdwarfs, and black dwarfs discovered by the UKIDSS larga area survey |
NICS Oct 9 |
Magazzu |
TAC_14 Pancino Spectrophotometric standard stars observations for GAIA's absolute flux calibration |
DOLORES Oct 16-21 |
Andreuzzi |
CAT_12 Lopez The nature of the stellar population of the XMM-Newton bright serendipitous survey |
SARG Sep 18-19 |
Andreuzzi |
TAC_33 Corsini Constraining the mechanism of disk heating at the edges of the spiral sequence |
DOLORES Dec 27-30 |
DiFabrizio |
CAT_9 Altieri A complete spectroscopic survey of distant X-ray galaxy groups |
Boschin |
TAC_10 Rossi Searching for main-asteroid-belt analogs of OC meteorites |
DOLORES Oct 25(0.5n) Oct 26 |
Fiorenzano |
CAT_01 Abia Searching for depletion patterns in the atmospheres of C-rich AGB starts |
SARG Dec 19-20 |
DiFabrizio |
TAC_9 Pinilla Looking for the origin of carbon-depleted comets in the trans-Neptunian belt |
LRS Nov 3-4 |
Lorenzi |
CAT_4 Bauwens Stellar parameters of calibration standards for the Mid-InfraRed Instruments (MIRI) onboard the JWST |
SARG Ago 18 (0.5n) Jan 9 (0.5n) |
Fiorenzano |
CAT_10 Hernan Deteccion de regiones activas en estrellas frias rapidos rotadores: analisis espectroscopico |
SARG Ago 18 (0.5n) Jan 9 (0.5n) |
Andreuzzi |
ITP_1 Pollacco Building on the success of ITP2007: new exoplanets from SuperWASP |
SARG Ago 16-17 |
Fiorenzano |
CAT_3 Iglesias Deteccion del cation del naftaleno en el medio interestelar |
SARG Dec 13-14 |
DiFabrizio |
TAC_48 Tanga Spectroscopic observations of asteroids as a support to the Gaia space mission |
DOLORES Oct 4-5 |
Boschin |
CAT_16 Barrena Internal dynamics and the origin of the extended diffuse radio emission in A2345 and A2294 |
Boschin |
TAC_43 Galletti A survey of remote globular and Blue Luminous Compact clusters in M31 |
DOLORES Sep 6-10 |
DiFabrizio |
CAT_17 Guerrero Identification and characterization of near-IR counterparts of heavily obscured post-AGB stars |
NICS Ago 6-7 |
Ghinassi |
TAC_28 Fulvio V-type asteroids: from the Main-Belt to the Laboratory |
NICS Jan 10-11 |
Ghinassi |
CAT_14 Guerrero Near-IR search for X-ray active late type companions of central stars of planetary nebulae |
NICS Oct 11-12 |
Andreuzzi |
TAC_40 Bonanno Asteroseismology of solar-type stars: Beta-Aql |
SARG Aug 19-24 |
Fiorenzano |
CAT_02 de Leon Espectroscopia infrarroja de asteroides del Cinturon Principal |
NICS Sep 20-21 |
Lorenzi |
TAC_38 Paolillo Characterizing gompact groups of galaxies |
Boschin |
CAT_05 Knapen NIRS0S: The Structure of Early-Type Disk Galaxies |
NICS Jan 5-8 |
Ghinassi |
TAC_7 Lazzarin SINEO: Spectroscopic Investigation of Near-Earth Objects |
Lorenzi |
TAC_6 Sabbadin The shocking, turbulent life of planetary nebulae - Part II |
SARG Dec 9-12 |
Magazzu |
CAT_13 Campis The surface composition of thermaly processed NEAs |
DOLORES Ago 31 |
Fiorenzano |
TAC_46 Mouhcine The nature of spiral bulges: clues from near-infrared spectroscopy |
NICS Sep 11-14 |
Andreuzzi |
TAC_17 Munari Chemical abundance patterns in binary stars |
SARG Nov 15-18 |
Fiorenzano |
TAC_21 Dotto Photometry of TNOs and Centaurs in support of a Key Program at the Herschel Space Telescope |
DOLORES/NICS Nov 24-27 |
Lorenzi |
CAT_19 Maldonado Characterizing the solar neighborhood. High resolution spectroscopy |
SARG Nov 7-9 |
Magazzu |
TAC_35 Tozzi Gas and dust activity of Rosetta target comet along its pre-perihelion orbit |
DOLORES/NICS Jan 12-14 (3.5hr per night) |
Ghinassi |
CAT_21 Garcia Dredge-up and s-process nucleosysnthesis in O-rich maser AGB stars |
SARG Dec 15-17 |
Lorenzi |
TAC_41 De Luise Investigation of suitable targets for the near-Earth object sample return mission MARCO-POLO |
DOLORES Aug 1-2 |
Fiorenzano |
CAT_18 Goicoechea The lensing galaxy of SBS0909+532: mass halo and Hubble constant |
NICS-AdOpt Jan 31 |
Cecconi |
TAC_8 Bragaglia Open Clusters as tracers of the Galactic Disk Chemical Evolution (BOCCE project) |
SARG Dec 31 (5hr) Jan 1-4 (6hr/n) |
DiFabrizio |
TAC_1 Persi H2 jets: an evolutionary tracer for young high-mass stars |
NICS Nov 13-14 |
Ghinassi |
Programs scheduled in service | ||
TAC_27 Benetti The contribution of Supernovae to the cosmic chemical evolution |
Class A DOLORES/NICS: 54hr |
Lorenzi |
TAC_31 Della Ceca The high Fx/Fo side of the Universe |
Class A DOLORES: 16hr |
Boschin |
TAC_2 Capetti A spectroscopic survey of the 3CR sample of radio-galaxies |
Class A DOLORES: 26hr |
DiFabrizio |
TAC_16 Rigliaco The role of transitional disks in disk evolution |
Class B DOLORES: 16hr SARG: 16hr NICS: 13hr |
Ghinassi |
TAC_21 Smart Parallaxes of sub-luminous L and T dwarfs |
Class B NICS: 7.5hr |
Ghinassi |
TAC_49 Di Mille Classical novae in nearby galaxies |
Class B DOLORES: 36hr |
Andreuzzi |
TAC_13 Masetti The nature of 13 INTEGRAL sources through optical spectroscopy |
Queuing C DOLORES: 12hr |
Magazzu |
TAC_37 Schisano Spectral Variability of young low mass stars with transitional disks |
Queuing C DOLORES: 27hr |
Lorenzi |
TAC_15 Lanzafame Investigating the origin of the Halpha lighthouse on II-Pegasi |
Class C SARG: 9hr |
Fiorenzano |
TAC_36 Gratton Search for extrasolar planets around stars in wide binaries |
SARG: Ago 12-15 (4hr/n) Sep 15-17 (4hr/n) Oct 13-15 (4hr/n) Nov 12 (5hr) |
Fiorenzano |
TAC_27 Benetti The contribution of Supernovae to the cosmic chemical evolution |
DOLORES/NICS: Ago 8, Sep 4 Oct 8, Nov 23 Dec 21, Jan 19 |
Lorenzi |
TAC_4 Lodieu Brown dwarfs, ultracool subdwarfs, and black dwarfs discovered by the UKIDSS larga area survey |
Oct 10 Jan 30 |
Magazzu |
TAC_24 Silvotti Search for compact pulsators in the Kepler FOV to be observed with the Kepler satellite |
DOLORES: 25-28 Ago | Andreuzzi |
TAC_20 Lundqvist Constraining the shock physics of the Guitar Nebula |
DOLORES: Ago 4 (6hr) |
DiFabrizio |
TAC_26 Marziani Structural and dynamical evolution of quasars: constraining accretion disk winds |
DOLORES: Sep 5 (8hr) |
Boschin |
TAC_A6 Desidera Adaptive optics search for low mass companions around stars with radial velocity long term trends |
AdOpt: Ago 9 (1hr) Ago 10 (6hr) Ago 11 (6hr) |
Cecconi |
TAC_A3 Corradi M2-9 and R Aqr: testbeds for understanding astrophysical jets |
AdOpt: Ago 9 (4.6hr) | Cecconi |
Targets of opportunity | ||
TAC_34 Stella The Optical/NIR afterglow of giant flares from magnetars in the Virgo cluster |
DOLORES: 10 hr NICS: 15 hr |
Boschin |
TAC_18 Antonelli Gamma Ray Bursts and their afterglows: cosmological and extreme physics probes |
DOLORES: 30hr NICS: 10hr SARG: 2hr |
Andreuzzi |
TAC_27 Benetti The contribution of Supernovae to the cosmic chemical evolution |
Lorenzi |
CAT_7 Castro La diversidad de explosiones de rayos gamma en la era SWIFT |
DOLORES: 1hr x 9 (no override) |
CAT secretary |
Compensation of time lost for technical problems | ||
TAC_36 Gratton Search for extrasolar planets around stars in wide binaries |
SARG Dec 18 Jan 17 |
Fiorenzano |
TAC_46 Mouchine The nature of spiral bulges: clues from near-infrared spectroscopy |
NICS Nov 10 |
Andreuzzi |
TAC_43 Galletti A survey of remote globular and Blue Luminous Compact clusters in M31 |
DOLORES Oct 22 |
DiFabrizio |
ITP_1 Pollacco Building on the success of ITP2007: new exoplanets from SuperWASP |
SARG Jan 15-16 |
Fiorenzano |
AOT17_CAT_98 Alonso Spectroscopic observations of an eclisping red dwarf - white dwarf binary |
Ghinassi |