Fundación Galileo Galilei - INAF Telescopio Nazionale Galileo 28°45'14.4N 17°53'20.6W 2387.2m A.S.L.

TNG Schedule- Period AOT24/2011B

Listed below are the TNG nights scheduled in visitor mode and details on ToO programmes for the AOT24/11B period. The rest of the approved programmes are scheduled in queuing mode, with the priority given by the INAF-TAC.

Astronomers with allocated queuing time will be contacted by us in a few days after the publication of this schedule and are requested to submit their observing blocks before 16:00UT of July 26th, 2011. Please note that late submissions may produce a downgrading of the observing blocks. Visiting observers are kindly invited to read the instructions given here. In case of doubt, they can contact our Astronomy Helpdesk.

Other information, hints and warnings useful to prepare the observing run can be found here. Please note that special instructions and time constraints apply to programs requiring multi-object spectroscopy (DOLoRes+MOS), see the dedicated web page.

Any comments or inquiries about this schedule can be addressed to the Head of Astronomy.



Visitor Mode

Programme and PI Instrument Allocated nights
CAT_162 García Hernández DOLoRes Aug 6-7
CAT_86 Lodieu NICSAug 8-10; Jan 9-11
CAT_158 González Hernández SARG Aug 17; Oct 9
ITP10_04 Kotak DOLoRes/NICSAug 18-19 (half n.); Sep 3-4 (half n.); Oct 13-14 (half n.); Nov 21-22 (half n.); Dec 16-17; Jan 17-18 (half n.)
TAC_1 Cristiani DOLoResAug 29-31
CAT_81 Tata SARGOct 18, 20, 24; Nov 8 (half nights)
CAT_51 Aberasturi NICSOct 19
TAC_45 Tozzi DOLoRes/NICSOct 21-23
TAC_49 Smart DOLoRes/NICSOct 26-27; Jan 13-16
CAT_13 Ortiz Moreno DOLoRes Oct 28-Nov 2
CAT_70 Iglesias Groth SARGNov 4-7
TAC_19 Perna DOLoRes Nov 19-20
TAC_57 Chauhan DOLoRes+MOSNov 23
TAC_40 Girardi DOLoRes+MOSNov 24-25
TAC_36 Covino DOLoRes Nov 28-29; Dec 24-25; Jan 28-29
CAT_49 González Pérez SARGDec 8-11
TAC_37 Biazzo SARGDec 12-14
CAT_59 de León Cruz DOLoRes/NICSDec 19-20 (half nights)
TAC_7 Mazzotta Epifani DOLoRes Jan 19
TAC_33 Morelli DOLoRes Jan 20-23
TAC_48 Ripamonti DOLoRes Jan 26-27




Programme and PI ToO Time
TAC_8 Pastorello 15 hr
TAC_17 Walker 6 hr
TAC_38 Palazzi 36 hr
TAC_39 Izzo 9 hr
CAT_42 Ortiz Moreno 4 x 0.5 hr
CAT_150 Gorosabel 4 x 1 hr
CAT_178 Trigo Rodríguez 4 x 2.5 hr