Seminars at FGG
Thermal Characterization of the Gregor Heat-Rejecter and local seeing estimation
Speaker: Luca Giovannelli (Univiversity of Rome Tor Vergata)
Date and time: 2016-05-17 12:30
We present the thermal analysis of the present GREGOR Heat Rejecter (HR). The aim of this study is to evaluate the current contact sensors layout and the thermal environment near the HR with a thermal camera, and to propose possible improvements on the HR layout to reduce the local seeing effects. Furthermore we present the requirements on the hot elements in telescope assembly in various cases and an estimate on local seeing induced by the GREGOR HR. We also propose further measures with other contactless techniques, such as schlieren backgroud oriented (BOS) and calibrated schlieren, to directly measure the air temperature near the HR inside the telescope assembly during pointing.